Ein Gebäude zu planen ist ein facettenreicher Prozess. Das Gebäude soll ein langfristiger Erfolg werden ! Dabei muss der/die AuftragberIn im Zentrum von Planung und Umsetzung stehen. Gleichzeitig haben viele Bauvorhaben eine gesellschaftliche Relevanz. Solararchitekt kann hier die notwendige "Brücke schlagen" um eine Realisierung zu ermöglichen.
Designing a building is a complex process. The building should be a lasting success ! Hereby the client should be at the core of the processes of designing and implementing it. At the same time many building projects have an impact on society. Amomg other tasks Solararchitekt is able to build bridges that are required to make a project become a reality.
A building has a significant impact on the environment. To balance this impact between built and natural environment is one of the the goals
of Solararchitekt. Here, the early integration of renewable energies, natural materials and a high quality construction help to achieve these goals.
The sun as natural source of energy, in technical sense when generating energy by photovoltaics or the reduction of electric light by making use of
natural light, is a subject we pick up at an early stage of the design process.
A critical view on the topic of ecology is fundamental to our work. The history of building very much allows for a logical approach to building which has
much to do with solutions that the contemporary designer is looking for on the search for a sensible relationship to nature. In this context, a holistic consideration
is required: sustainable design is no phenomenom of modernity but much more a constant questioning of reason and sense of a building process.
In countries like Germany and England many buildings have already been completed. Some of the existing buildings are of high quality and relevance and should be preserved. Others haven not been designed for a long duration of time. But even these ones offer opportunities of re-use for example the load-bearing structure. Reusing a structure saves a lot of energy, for the simple reason that building construction in its current form, is very energy intensive. Solararchitekt can offer an analytic approach to an existing building and provide options of its future use.
Das Darstellen von Konzepten und Entwürfen durch zeichnerische Methoden ist Teil des Arbeitsspektrums von Solararchitekt. Wir bieten perspektivische und isometrische Darstellungen von räumlichen Situationen im städtischen Kontext und des Objektes.
The presentation of concepts and design through drawing methods is part of the work spectrum of Solararchitekt. We offer perspective and isometric views of spatial situations and of the building object.